Good Change Blog

7 Easy Steps on How to Use and Reuse the Bamboo...
We often get asked “how do I actually reuse the bamboo towels?” This is such a good question! The bamboo towels are a very robust soft piece of fabric, so...
7 Easy Steps on How to Use and Reuse the Bamboo...
We often get asked “how do I actually reuse the bamboo towels?” This is such a good question! The bamboo towels are a very robust soft piece of fabric, so...

4 Tips to Stop Bacteria Growing in Your Cloth o...
Have you been here…. pulling out a smelly cloth from your washing basket or under your sink, or finding a dodgy-looking sponge you can’t recall the last time you used?...
4 Tips to Stop Bacteria Growing in Your Cloth o...
Have you been here…. pulling out a smelly cloth from your washing basket or under your sink, or finding a dodgy-looking sponge you can’t recall the last time you used?...