Good Change Blog

Black Friday Sales 2024
Black Friday Sales 2024 Navigating Black Friday Deals with a Clean Conscience As Black Friday approaches here in New Zealand & Australia, the air is thick with...
Black Friday Sales 2024
Black Friday Sales 2024 Navigating Black Friday Deals with a Clean Conscience As Black Friday approaches here in New Zealand & Australia, the air is thick with...

Embracing natural chemicals: Why should I care ...
Why should you care about cleaning chemicals? Do you ever look at the cleaning aisle of your local supermarket and feel overwhelmed? Rows upon rows of colourful plastic bottles,...
Embracing natural chemicals: Why should I care ...
Why should you care about cleaning chemicals? Do you ever look at the cleaning aisle of your local supermarket and feel overwhelmed? Rows upon rows of colourful plastic bottles,...

Why Eco-Cloths are Wiping the Floor with Microf...
Why Eco-Cloths are Wiping the Floor with Microfibre: A Tale of Two Cloths You want the best for your family right? Especially when it comes to keeping your homes clean...
Why Eco-Cloths are Wiping the Floor with Microf...
Why Eco-Cloths are Wiping the Floor with Microfibre: A Tale of Two Cloths You want the best for your family right? Especially when it comes to keeping your homes clean...

5 Things in your home you probably didn't know ...
You Diligently sort your recyclables, proudly sip from your stainless-steel water bottle, and carry your groceries in a reusable bag. You're convinced you're doing your part to reduce plastic pollution,...
5 Things in your home you probably didn't know ...
You Diligently sort your recyclables, proudly sip from your stainless-steel water bottle, and carry your groceries in a reusable bag. You're convinced you're doing your part to reduce plastic pollution,...

Cleaning up the micro-plastic mess!
Here at Good Change we understand that keeping a clean home while juggling work or family responsibilities can be a real challenge. But what if we told you that there's...
Cleaning up the micro-plastic mess!
Here at Good Change we understand that keeping a clean home while juggling work or family responsibilities can be a real challenge. But what if we told you that there's...

How Eating Seaweed Can Save the Planet: The Sup...
How Eating Seaweed Can Save the Planet: The Superfood of the Sea! We're running a giveaway with our friends at Pacific Harvest, they make delicious Seaweed seasonings harvested sustainably from...
How Eating Seaweed Can Save the Planet: The Sup...
How Eating Seaweed Can Save the Planet: The Superfood of the Sea! We're running a giveaway with our friends at Pacific Harvest, they make delicious Seaweed seasonings harvested sustainably from...