The Simple and Fulfilling Freedom of Living Sustainably
with Ethically Kate
Recently we had the pleasure of chatting to Ethically Kate, self-described as an educator and activist, Kate advocates for living and decision making that respects and protects both people and the planet.
When we caught up with Kate, we found her passion for educating others about how simple and fulfilling it is to live consciously, incredible. We hand on heart think she is one of the most authentic and sustainable inspirations we have come across.
So what does it mean to live sustainably?
Growing up in a conscious family,Kate was introduced early to sustainable practises including composting and Opp Shopping. However, it wasn’t until 2015 when she watched the documentary ‘the true cost’ that her passion for conscious consumerism developed and she decided she would not be responsible for an industry such as that of fashion, that exploits so many.
Her light bulb moment?
This occurred overnight and incorporated the realisation of her values and how these aligned. These values determined what she was happy to purchase and support, because ultimately where you spend your money is what you support, right?
We always say at Good Change, It’s not about massive changes, just making one little incremental change and all that powered together can make a difference and this is what Kate advocates.Her simple recommendation toward achieving freedom through a sustainable lifestyle was awareness.
It was an absolute privilege chatting with Kate about her choices and tips to live consciously. The main advice she gives to begin your journey of fulfilling freedom through sustainability are:
Conducting a Waste Audit
Keep your waste aside, even just for a couple days and take note of your current waste streams. After seeing what you produced you will be able to identify how you could have avoided that.
Think less quantity and consciously
When buying something try and to look around at home first, then you can evaluate whether the purchase you are wanting to make can be justified.
Compost, Compost, Compost!!
There are so many options for composting. Little systems that can sit on your bench.There’s places that will pick up your waste and take it to other sites. Once you start composting you are reducing the waste of precious resources into the landfill!
Most importantly, like us here atGood Change, Kate emphasises the importance of communicating and talking to other people. Broadening your mind, as there is so much to gain from talking to people who are different to you. And together we can all make a Good Change toward a healthier and happier sustainable life!
Good Change Conversations
Good Change conversations with Kristy Hunter and Stine Smith is a seasonal podcast dedicated to equipping you with practical advice to do small, but good changes.
In each episode we interview people making good changes, who are experts in their field. If you are looking to make small changes, Stine & Kristy will give you the inspiration and action plan to do this, today.
Listen to our full Good Change Conversation with Brianne and explore more episodes